The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that human beings are like the ‘genie in the bottle’ of your folk’s tale. Indeed, such is the case. There is so much potential dormant in a human being! Kits containing a variety of seeds have been dispatched by the Father to each one of His children with the anticipation of one day seeing them in full bloom!

“However, these seeds need to be released from their dry storage facility and truly planted in the soil of your being at the right season—once the soil has been tilled and fertilized by specific life experiences. When you observe a plowman prepare the soil for the seeding season, you witness the strength that it requires to perform this task; he has to be assisted in that process by the powerful oxen attached to his plough or by a tractor. Otherwise, by the time he would finally be done, he might have missed the timing for the appropriate planting season.

“The same applies to human beings. The layers of your being—mind, heart and soul—have to be carefully prepared by life experiences in order to trigger the germination of their precious seeds. Such a process may appear traumatic at times as it has to encourage the seed to break through its protective shell. It is a natural process that has to be initiated by outside forces—just as the winds, the rain and the sunshine contribute to the growing of a strong plant, able to withstand strong weather patterns.

“The Father uses external factors to break open the seal of the bottle in which the genie of your being lays idle—eager to burst out in order to do what it is genies do. Life will bring your way situations that will facilitate that process. They may at times appear very threatening to you but are actually there to encourage you to come out of the confinement of your small self. You are meant to freely roam the universes—not to live a life restricted to the walls of your container. The genie in your bottle wants to be let out and is held back by your fears of the unknown. Don’t you know that the Father always has your best interest at heart and that He has a vested interest in your success? Isn’t such an eternal promise much better than any life insurance you could subscribe to?

“Dear ones, take a moment to reflect about which creative parts of your being are restless and itching to come out of hiding. Be courageous and release them! You will one day be in awe once you understand how empowering and liberating such a process is. Each time you come in touch with your true self, true happiness is felt. Be truly happy!”

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