The Inner Sherpa



Monjoronson: “Dear child, I am happy to be part of your morning ‘family gathering’ as you call it. Indeed, we are much more than Teachers or Celestial Administrators. This is our ‘daytime job’ and we have a very fulfilling family life.

“Our cosmic family is ever growing and each new member is welcome with open arms and open hearts, as each one makes us feel more complete—just as soul mates feel complete when they find each other.

“Rather than looking at us from the more intimidating perspective of the student/Teacher relationship, look at us as your loving elder siblings who want to assist you in your ascension career, by sharing valuable tidbits of their own wisdom and experience.

“Indeed, there is much inter-realm activity, as once they recognize the importance of their own contribution to the whole organism, all creatures long to be of selfless service. Ironically, selfless service serves the self as well, even though it is not self-serving.

“Whatever you do selflessly comes back to you in the form of many blessings. By letting go of your ego, you amplify your whole being and set your Higher Self free—just as the genie of your tales was let out of the bottle where he was held captive and disempowered.

“This is something only you can initiate, after being prompted to do so by our leadings. Your first baby steps toward your true purpose and destiny bring smiles to our faces and cheers to our hearts, as they will eventually carry you Home.”

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