“Trustworthiness is the true measure of self-mastery, character.” [UB 28:6:13]
Thought Adjuster: “Let us address the sacredness of trustworthiness. During your life, you have to endure many trials and tribulations. When you process them adequately, you grow in wisdom, inner fortitude, and reliability.
“It would be foolish to ‘entrust’ any creature with weighty responsibilities if it has not demonstrated any aptitude at carrying them out. A certain degree of maturity is required to qualify someone to handle more responsibility.
“Would you trust a bankrupt individual to manage your funds? Would it be wise? Indeed, wisdom also has a say in the assignment of trust. Each one of you has weak areas—zones under development in your promising inner real-estate. To overcome your weaknesses, you need to pinpoint them and face them head-on. It may take many humbling failed attempts before you succeed.
“As well, the grueling efforts you had to put forth to become ‘trust-worthy’ will act as a future deterrent against relapses. Why would you jeopardize all your hard work in a moment of foolishness and short-sightedness?
“How much do you believe in yourself? Can you use your strengths as levers to overcome your weaknesses? How much do you trust in God’s plan for YOUR life? Since everything He undertakes aims at manifesting truth, beauty, and goodness, there should be no reason for you to question His vision for your life. He has custom-designed a perfect plan for you and is ‘all-powerful’ to assist you in manifesting it in your shared reality.
“Do trust that you have what it takes to be one of His many success stories. Tackle your weak areas with determination to boost your spiritual immune system. You will indubitably grow in trustworthiness and self-reliance—self-mastery.”