The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” What does that mean? How is it possible? Dear child, the act of faith is a powerful activator. By expressing wholeheartedly your faith in Higher Powers, you are empowering them to step into your life circumstances and add their powerful energies to your personal God-centered intentions.

“The Father is worthy of all trust as His modus operandi is Love and Love is safe. Yet, it is so hard for human beings with their limited vision to trust in what they cannot see with their naked eyes. The Apostle Thomas became the poster boy for such a behavior. He wanted to see the wounds in Jesus’ hands in order to believe that he was truly resurrected.

“The process of faith is definitely tightly intertwined with trust. It is wise to place your undivided faith in those who are trustworthy. Otherwise it is a recipe for disaster. To have faith does not mean that you should deactivate your common sense and your senses of intuition and discernment. You need to first establish the trustworthiness of the potential recipient of your faith. Would you trust a blind man to get you to the top of Mount Everest or would you rather putyour faith into the expertise of a Sherpa who knowsthe lay of the land so well that he could take you there blindfolded?

“Trust has to have a solid foundation on Truth. This world is in a state of disarray as it has experienced so many distortions of truth and betrayals of trust in order to serve selfish agendas. The Father’s agenda is all about the settling of Love and Life in His creation. The Father is omnipresent, omniscient, and all- wise. Aren’t these the optimal prerequisite for trusting?

“Due to the fact that so many have experienced deep episodes of betrayal in the course of their earthly life, it has become very difficult to trust 100% that All is Well. In spite of past hurts, it is important not to live with a victim mentality. As in any healing process, you need to have positive anticipations as you draw to yourself what you place your attention upon. Think positive and you will feel positive. And by having your being immersed in positive emotions, you will have created the most powerful protective shield around yourself as it is coated with the highest emotional, mental and spiritual energies.”

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