The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Transition phases are unavoidable. They are part of the evolutionary process. This is the reason why, even though much darkness seems to be coming to the fore, it heralds the transition into better times—the Era of Light and Life.

“The presence of darkness and its manifestation through acts of iniquity serve by contrast to remind humanity of its innate longings for Love and Peace. The horrendous acts committed by those whose hearts are shriveled and closed are serving as undeniable catalysts to wake up those complacent souls who have yet to wander out of their perceived comfort zone. When the comfort zone becomes ‘uncomfortable’, personal measures have to be taken in order to regain inner equilibrium. Just as rats leave the sinking ship, many human beings come to realize that things can no longer go on in their dysfunctional ways as too many precious lives are lost in the process.

“It takes courage to become an Agent of Positive Change just as it takes bravado for terrorists to give up their lives with the misguided belief that it is in service of God’s Will. Hate will never be part of the expression of the Divine Will. “All true love is from God, and man receives the divine affection as he himself bestows this love upon his fellows.” [UB 1289:03]

“What this world needs most is a Love Revelation through Loving Evolution. The current state of affairs leads many to recognize what elements they do not want in their lives. Things are becoming very personal when they hit close to home and they then become strong catalysts for change. Yet, such a change has to be driven by higher values otherwise it will only accelerate the down spiraling of the earthly civilization.

“Become Agents of Positive Change by Love in Action. Hate is an agent of destruction and has to be stopped in its tracts. The Golden Rule is God’s healing prescription for Life on Earth.”

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