The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “When you reach that place of Stillness within yourself, you are invaded by a quality of Peace that passes all understanding. This is the peace experienced by an unborn child while slowly developing in the motherly womb. A baby, who has been lovingly conceived and wholeheartedly desired by its progenitors, is blessed with this quality of all-pervasive peace while it grows through the various embryonic stages.

“Indeed, when you go within—shutting down your senses to the external reality, you come in touch with the spiritual ‘embryo’ that you are. You feel bathed in this soothing and comfortable quality of peace—the divine amniotic fluid, so to speak. You are in a safe and welcoming environment.

“Unbeknownst to many of you, your planetary life provides you with a spiritual womb that caters to the needs of your growing soul. The only difference between you and the unborn fetus is that you have a say in the matter. You can choose to contribute to the well-being of your embryonic soul or you can neglect it—in which case it will be stunted in its growth and will lack vibrancy when it transitions through the tunnel of light—its birth canal out of the planetary womb.

“Dear ones, just as each one of you wishes for a happy childhood, so does your soul. Which type of parent are you toward it? An absentee one or a devoted one, anticipating its needs and being a great provider? The choice is always yours. When you are ready to claim your divine birthright, you will be shown step by step how to get in touch with the divine within you—your family resemblance.

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