Teacher: “Good morning dear child. You have been pondering the hostile political environment which is being displayed in many countries whenever political campaigning is taking place. As in the religious arena, those who belong to political parties tend to be brainwashed by the group consciousness of their political belief system.
“As in religious radicalism and fanaticism, this results in political radicalism and fanaticism and, unfortunately, those are devoid of Christ’s love. Christ has set the example for all to follow of keeping an open mind and an open heart. When you witness what is going on in the world at both these levels, you see that many hearts and minds are closed and this results in a very sad state of affairs.
“Christians have to behave the Christian way at all levels of life as Christianity is not meant to be a mere lip service. Christianity, when it is applied to individual lives, is bearing forth the fruits of Spirit and those fruits are the highest influences in one’s life decisions. Love is the outcome and this love is being infused into all arenas of human life.
“Is it what you are witnessing in the political arena? Nobody can deny the fact that the reality of things is very remote from that. It is the primordial duty of all Christians to apply the highest spiritual values to their area of influence. A child of God is a child of God at all times, not just when he/she performs his/her spiritual practice. The trust in God is not optional; it is the one essential element which transforms a society into a better one. Faith is worth nothing if it is not put into action.
“Your Master Jesus refused to engage Himself in politics but directed those who would listen to Him to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to Him, making very clear that these areas are not of the same kingdom – the human and the divine.
“Human kingdoms come and go but the Divine Kingdom is everlasting. Which one do you belong to? Oil and water do not mix and it is important to make the commitment to practice the Golden Rule toward your siblings. Treat them as you want to be treated: with Love and Respect.
“It is very disheartening to see that this God-centered behavior is being thrown out of the window when political issues are raised. There is so much disrespect, defamation and disparaging of character taking place. Instead of using as to the proposed strategies of the candidates, mud is being slammed on their personality, even though you do not know them personally. As a Christian, your task is to pray that their true colors can be revealed and that informed decisions can be made, based on whether or not they have the heart of a public servant.
“Self-servants are going to distort the truth of their being in order to lure others to support them in their selfish endeavors. Nothing good can ever come out of that. The Father is far-seeing and you can trust that many authentic human beings live on the planet at this time through whom He can further His divine agenda.
“It is very important that each person throwing their vote in the selection of their leader be disengaged from the rampant emotional turmoil which truly clouds the issues at hand. Outrage is a form of rage and anger, a very low and destructive vibration. Look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives. This is the right way of living.”