“Is idealism—the approaching concept of the divine—desirable? Then must man struggle in an environment of relative goodness and beauty, surroundings stimulative of the irrepressible reach for better things." [UB 51:10]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind of how difficult it has been-- and still is--for the mortals of this world to adequately “read” others. The planetary history has suffered from that mental plague for ages, starting ar the epoch of the Lucifer Rebellion. From that time on, much confusion has occurred as Lucifer was speaking with authority and verve to enlist many unsuspecting and immature followers in his self-serving agenda of unbridled freedom and secession from the Creator’s will.
“Ever since, this scenario has repeated itself manifold at the expense of the planetary healing. Adam and Eve also encountered strong adverse winds in their mission of uplifting the races as they too were tricked by the “Trickster.” Even such advanced beings were not immune to trumpery and misrepresentation. They too made ill-advised choices that they came quickly to regret as their thwarted results became manifest and even more confusion ensued from such a misdirection of their free will.
“Then came Jesus—the Creator Son of this universe. He chose this planet for His incarnation among millions of other possibilities to bring His powerful message of redemption. Once again, ignorance and ulterior agendas,driven by personal self-interest, false assumptions, and close-mindedness, nailed Him to a cross from which He proclaimed His message of Love and spiritual salvation until He took His last breath. Again, such a crime against Heaven left a deep stigma on this beautiful blue orb.
“From these intense past historical events—and much more since then—lessons should be extracted so that such a history no longer repeats itself. The skill of discernment has to be awakened and expanded in each individual so that they learn to correctly “read” the opportunities that continuously present themselves for the healing of this world. Beware of silver tongues! Beware of ring leaders! Beware of bullies and anyone displaying narcissist tendencies as such tendencies lead to the aggrandizement of the self under the pretense of promoting gold plated agendas. Learn to look at the bigger picture and to ask your Inner Guide for validation or invalidation whenever you feel confused about which decision to make and what individual is worthy of your support.
"Human beings have become very adept at justifying what is not just. This too is a legacy of the Lucifer rebellion. Truth does not need any justification as it is 100% just. The length of the justification provided is adversely proportional to the content of truth. Truth at times does not even need to be spoken as actions speak louder than words. Actions will eventually reveal the underlying motivations as they bring forth visible physical manifestations.
“What is important for humanity is to learn from the past errors as a group consciousness. This starts with each individual and this responsibility cannot be taken away from the individual. The work of shifting has to start from within under the supervision and guidance of the Higher Self of each individual.
“Connect daily to your Higher Self as it is from this higher perspective that a bird- eye-view can be acquired in order to correctly evaluate your current life circumstances and opportunities. As you genuinely dedicate yourself to eradicate the weeds within your own being, you are doing your own clean-up job in your personal areas of contamination. You will eventually emerge from this clean-up with a sharper sense of discernment and a more reliable gut feeling to make truly informed decisions. This is how this planet can shift—slowly but surely—toward better days where the Father’s light will overcome the rampant and oppressive darkness.”