Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you reflect upon the manifold layers of your being, you come to grasp more deeply what a mini-universe you are indeed. The universes contain zillions of mini-universes, going from macro-systems to micro-systems. Yet, they are all stemming from another and interconnected as they all stem from the First Source and Center.
“Creation is truly a process of multiplication, of expansion, of eventuation. Each being has a very specific function that can only filled by it/him/her to perfection. That simple fact should tell you indeed how precious you are. You have been in the making since the inception of time. The Father truly held you in His mind as He did hold in mind the multitude of His created and co-created beings. He initiated the creative domino effect and each domino matters and needs to be positioned in its assigned God-given place in order to be part of the chain reaction of love which is meant to trickle down from the Father throughout His universes, and even beyond.
“Love needs recipients in order to be unleashed. Human beings need to open themselves up to become part of this universal stream of love--rather than shutting down in their human shell. Your human shell is only an illusory limitation of your being. Too many are trapped in self-limitations. Once they realize that part of their being is not subjected to the limitations of time and space, they can learn to connect with the other realms which also belong to their current reality if they cultivate the expansion of their spiritual senses.
“Life can be a very exciting adventure, filled with surprises. If you trust in your inner guidance, more and more will be revealed to you and your life will start emerging from its sense dulling routines. Instead, you will seize each day and eagerly wait for what it holds in store for you. Each day can be a day of rebirth at some level of your being. Each day can be celebrated as a “birth-day” and can be decorated with heartfelt joy when you discover how precious this new opportunity is. Carpe Diem!”