The Inner Sherpa



“No religionist may hope to attain the enlightenment of immortal wisdom who persists in being slothful, indolent, feeble, idle, shameless, and selfish.” [UB 1447:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Upon reading the above statement, a few thoughts arose in your mind. First of all, ‘the enlightenment of immortal wisdom’ does not come as a cheap freebie. Wisdom is acquired through experience, and experience is acquired through actions. Deeds seal the deal, so to speak, as they translate your intentions into your reality. They have positive or detrimental outcomes from which you can draw lessons that add to your personal wisdom and enlightenment. “If I knew then what I know now” is often heard from those who experienced the backlash effect of ‘unwise’ decisions. Yet, they know NOW what they did not know then and this certainly demonstrates progress.

“The least productive lives are those who do not even give it a try and thus fail to seize daily opportunities—carpe diem—thus turning into dull routines that yield a scarce return in truth, beauty, and goodness.

“Your earthly life has been conceived to be character-building and develop your innate resourcefulness if you tackle its challenges with a winning attitude. This is what will turn it into a success story, as you learn to activate your dormant potentials. By rehearsing new harmonious behavioral patterns, you will find greater alignment with your matrix of perfection—your Owner’s Manual.

“None of you wishes to be remembered as “being slothful, indolent, feeble, idle, shameless, and selfish”. Procrastination is not memorable, as it is utterly unproductive. You are the one in charge of calling the shots for your life, thus determining whether it will produce any of the precious fruits of Spirit.

“As Jesus colorfully depicted it, it is up to you to decide what to do with the silver talents you have been handed at birth—your spiritual trust fund. Will you bury them and altogether forget about them? Out of sight, out of mind. Or will you dig deep within and bring them to the light of day?

The fruits of Spirit are not of the perishable variety and will keep fueling your being once you acquire them and fully integrate them.”

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