The Inner Sherpa



“There is present that natural affection between every normal child and its father which ensures an understanding and loving relationship, and which forever precludes all dispositions to bargain for the Father’s love and mercy.” [UB Paper 140, Section 10]

Thought Adjuster: “The above statement that the natural father/child affection “forever precludes all dispositions to bargain for the Father’s love and mercy” got your attention. What does it tell you? It tells you that the Father’s Love and Mercy are NON-NEGOTIABLE GIFTS! They are a GIVEN, not a reward extracted through some spiritual blackmail process. Human beings may sink that low but, obviously, such ‘conditional’ love has no place whatsoever in the Father’s heart.

“How long will it take for human beings to integrate this beautiful truth? No matter how imperfect and flawed you are at this very moment, you are LOVED beyond your ability to fathom it. As you expand your abilities to contain and exude love, you will come to grasp more concretely the magnificence of Divine Love and you will wonder how you could ever doubt Its reality.

“Dear ones, learn to upgrade the quality of the Love Substance contained in your very hearts. Do not use Love as a bargaining tool! By so doing, you are denaturing it and downgrading it from unconditional to conditional and, no longer, can it be coined as LOVE.

“My Love for you cannot be ‘rationalized.’ It has to be felt in your very heart. It contains amazing transformative powers, as well as co-creative ones. A Father wishes for His children to share the legacy of His Love—never to hoard it. Love has to freely flow, so as never to lose its momentum. Remember this as you go through your days. As you receive, so shall you give! Become beacons of Love. This is your destiny! Tightly hold on to Love and it will transport you on its mighty wings all the way back Home.”

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