Christ Michael: “Dear child, you have been asking Me how to deal with the emotional challenges that you are experiencing right now with the situation of a loved one crossing over and seemingly leaving behind some unfinished business. Each one of you is allotted a certain amount of time in their physical experience. What will get accomplished during that life time? From the imperfect and greatly ignorant human perspective, it may seem that some lives are missing the mark—and some lives are actually missing the mark, i.e. coming short of the Father’s expectations for them.
“Yet, the Father provides His children with continued education. The physical life is just the initial stage of eternal life, its launching pad. There are many other launching stations or power stations along the way. In your existence, you will experience times of extreme challenges and times of recovery and processing. Sometimes, life dishes out extreme situations and you are literally hanging for dear life just to survive them. Sometimes holding on is all what you can do.
“Whenever strong winds sweep through your neighborhood, all that is required from you at that time is to look for shelter or for a stronghold—a place where you can hold on while the elements are acting up.
The same goes for your emotional life. In challenging situations, in spiritual and emotional storms, you’ve got to hold on for dear life, knowing that “this too shall pass.” From this perspective, you will be able to endure—to last as long as it takes for peace to return.
“During my life on Urantia, I had to navigate many storms. I was anchored in the knowledge that Father knew where He was taking Me and even though I was functioning on a certain level of ignorance due to the human condition of being an Agodonter*, I trusted 100 per cent in the omniscience of my Heavenly Father.
“Many human mistakes are due to ignorance. Yet, ignorance is not always an excuse as much knowledge is readily available to those who inquire--therefore, the positive consequences of asking. Too many human beings settle at that place of ignorance and plead ignorance when faced with the consequences of their ill informed decisions. Recognizing that you are ignorant is the first step in becoming receptive for a knowledge upgrade. Denial is the greatest handicap that a creature has to overcome in order to move forward. This also infers that pride has to be overcome as well. The ego has to come to the point where it does not amount to much if it is disconnected from All that Is.
“Though all your life challenges, keep your heart engaged in being a container for peace. You will notice what prevents you to feel peaceful and therein lays your homework. I was called the Prince of Peace. Peace was the love substance I wanted to bring into this world. Forgiveness is a prerequisite for Peace. This is the reason why I forgave on the spot. I did not allow myself to waddle in lower emotions and in self-pity as they are destabilizing emotions. A core of peace is unshakable and, once you learn to stay in that peace, you will truly taste the peace that surpasses all understanding as you will be in peace against all contrary odds. What an achievement it will be in the realm of self-mastery! What a stepping stone it will be in your spiritual growth!”
*Agodonters: Those who believe without seeing.