The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk some more about emotions and about how to process those lower emotions that seems to have taken a life of their own in your being and that you wish to transmute into positive and sound ones.

“Each life event—big or small—generates emotional responses. When human beings live unaware, they ride these emotions the best they can as they present themselves. Your life journey can be compared to a mighty roller coaster ride—at times frightening and at times thrilling. The difference between an actual roller coaster ride and an emotional one is that you do not have any control over the first one while you do over the second one.

“You are just a willing passenger in the roller coaster of the attraction park—looking for an adrenalin rush but also knowing that this ride is limited in time and that you will be able to regroup as soon as it stops. As to the emotional roller coaster of your life, you have to realize that you are the one at the control panel. What matters is that you do not fall asleep but stay alert to monitor your emotional state as you encounter contrasting life situations.

“On your world, fear is a very common emotion triggered both by worldwide events and personal situations. Your world, being in a state of imperfection is also in a state of disharmony. Disharmony is what creates feelings of uneasiness within you. How do you deal with them?

“Again, it amounts to taking things in stride from the right mental perspective. ‘This too shall pass’ is a powerful and reassuring affirmation while you are being rocked by one of these mighty life storms where you feel you are hanging on for dear life. Yet, you are not alone in this. I AM with you at all times and by having faith in that fact, you can regain your footing by anchoring yourself in Me—in My very real Presence. I can be your shelter; I can be your safe haven if you turn to me for asylum. I send you out into the world so that you can experience life but I also remain by your side through thick and thin. You are never on your own.

“At the end of each day, take time to reflect on your day and to look at its emotional content, sifting through the pell-mell of all the emotions you felt during that one day. You will be amazed at how much is experienced emotionally. You make about 4000 decisions a day and each one has an impact on your emotional state. This is the reason why you need to use discernment in making decisions as they also determine your emotional route.

“The captain of a ship will study his map and will also keep his eyes on the astral bodies in order to stay the course when the waters get unruly. You too need to set the course for each brand new day with your intentions and do your best to stay the course in spite of unexpected happenings. Yet, your vessel is not lost at sea without a Captain and a GPS system. Whenever you turn to Me for guidance, I will help you adjust your course toward more peaceful shores. It does take your cooperation as you have to avoid the sharp reefs of dangerous emotions. You can learn to wisely meander around them without allowing them to damage your fragile skiff.

“Go through this day practicing these new emotional navigation skills. Keep your eyes focused on the promising horizon rather than on the frightening abysses that would engulf you were you caught unaware. The more you practice emotional freedom, the freer you will become and you will wean yourself from the emotions that pollute your life environment. Your daily practice will make a huge difference. Whenever a difficult emotion pops up, deal with it right away. Analyze it in order to find where and why it is rooted in your being. With My help, you will be able to attend to it in a positive way rather than being taken over by it and feeling powerless and at its mercy.”

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