Thought Adjuster: “Due to the recent enhancement of the Thought Adjuster circuit, an unprecedented synergy is occurring on your planet. It is bound to be so when billions of Father Fragments form a spiritual web to foster a tremendous consciousness expansion for those they inhabit and mentor.
In the kingdom of the hearts emerging within you and all over the multiverse, union yields power. It is how the Father set in motion the co-creative process by enlisting the collaboration of many orders of personalities, diligently contributing with their God-given skills.
Because of their nefarious bond, the forces of darkness exert non-negligible destructive power. However, their mesalliance is doomed because of its lack of substance. It will eventually be torn apart by internecine rivalries due to the ruthless propensities of its elements and their total disregard for others’ free will prerogatives.
Invest your trust in the unifying constructive power of the selfless Forces of Light who give all praise to the One who takes to Heart the collective highest good. You will not be led astray nor disappointed.”