The Inner Sherpa



“There are only two groups of mortals in the eyes of God: those who desire to do his will and those who do not.” [UB 1468:03].

Thought Adjuster: “The above quote brings to mind that God does not deal with lukewarm hearts but embraces those who cross the demarcation line between cold and warm, between indifference and commitment.

“Those who waver at the threshold are requested to make up ‘their’ mind and pick a side. Nobody can do that in their stead. This is the reason why the Father never engages in the ‘blaming game’ in which so many humans are stuck, refusing to acknowledge that they received unhindered free will to make their own life decisions.

“Why is it so frequent that many, after witnessing the ill-fated consequences of their personal decisions and actions, decide to recant them and issue disclaimers that conveniently—or not—assign all responsibility for their failures by blaming others while eagerly claiming 100% credit for their successes?

“Are you for or against the Divine Agenda? You will never be rushed nor coerced to choose a side but you will have to decide. Once you have chosen, be willing to assume full responsibility for what unfolds in your life—the good and the not so good.

“It is alright to change your mind and to defect from selfishness to selflessness. Humility is the first step to get you moving in the right direction as demonstrated in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

The Father IS. He does not dwell on the past, holding grudges as human beings are so prone to do toward one another. Your value does not proportionately appreciate by depreciating the value of your siblings. It is not how it works and it is becoming very evident right now in your political arena.

“Stop and think for an instant. How would you have assessed Jesus while He lived among you? Would you have been swayed by the defaming rumors, gossip and hearsay spread by His detractors? Would you have espoused their thinking without objectively looking at the facts surrounding His life? Would you have ‘demonized’ His character as the mass media demonize whomever they do not support? Who are you to judge others? Have you walked in their shoes? Do you personally know them? Are you privy to their extenuating circumstances?

“Mudslinging is not pretty. It dirties both sides. Nobody is perfect. The Father does not condone sin, but loves the sinner as His errant child. Do not get swayed by the public ‘opinion.’ Rather, look at others through the filter of your heart and extend them the same Love and Respect that the Father extends to His creatures. Contribute to deflect the abject waves of hate, outrage and disrespect that are flooding so many hearts due to divergence of opinions.

“Remember that Jesus chose not to mingle with world affairs so that He could devote Himself wholeheartedly to the Father’s business—the establishment of the spiritual Kingdom on Earth. Human kingdoms and governments come and go. The Father’s Kingdom is eternal. Which one would you rather prioritize?”

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