The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear One, it is a very precious moment when you sit in the Stillness and express your heartfelt desire to have a meaningful connection with us on the other side of the veil. As you consciously give us your full attention without any expectations, we can download to you our own agenda for the lesson of this day.

“Sometimes the lesson is contained in your life circumstances which are ever changing so as to present you with opportunities to work on different areas of your character building or of manifesting higher values in your life. Sometimes the lesson is contained in the words you are taking down and which convey to you some fact of wisdom that you can integrate in the way you lead your life.

“Lessons lay the ground work for the practical side of living on this planet. We are aware of the challenges that human beings are facing at so many levels. Some of us, Teachers, have led mortal lives on this or other worlds and we have thus acquired a valuable mortal experience that we want to share with you in order to help you navigate similar challenges and harvest the fruit of the growth which they contribute to your life.

“Challenges are not there to harm you and destabilize you. They are here to help you discover within yourself that you have been equipped with what it takes to God-victoriously emerge from these trying situations. Each challenge sets the bar higher in your spiritual ascension. The Father knows that you many not succeed at your first attempt and you will be tried and tested until such time as the challenge is no longer a challenge for you as you will have developed mastery over that specific situation.

“There are so many areas in life where mastery can be achieved. There are external areas where individuals shine their gifts for all to witness as their gifts are in the realm of the physical senses: A beautiful voice, an artistic talent, a physical gift, etc.

“Just as the physical body learns to manifest its higher potential, the invisible layers of your being are also challenged so as to awaken to their dormant potentials. If I knew then what I know now is a sentence spoken frequently by many. The good news is that what you know now demonstrate that you have learned a meaningful lesson, that you have been able to extract experiential wisdom from your life circumstances. The class room of evolution is there to bring your whole being to an expanded understanding of itself. Trust in the process; go through life with the wonderment of a child; follow the joy of your heart as it points to areas where you could thrive.”

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