The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, Spirit is Spirit is Spirit. What do I mean by that? Spirit is the Source—the Universal Source of All There Is. Spirit is truly the DNA of creation. All creatures share that common DNA—this One Ancestry.

“Yet, due to the cosmic events of the Lucifer Rebellion, the knowledge of this common source has been challenged and denied to many. This caused great confusion and much separation between various types of created beings. By seceding from the rightful divine order, many of the links in the cosmic chain were severed and many creatures experienced a serious identity crisis.

“Who am I? Where am I going?—those are the questions asked by those who feel at a loss as to their life purpose. The confusion is of great magnitude. However, the fact that these questions are being asked by so many demonstrates that an awakening is taking place. No automatwill ever ask such questions. Only intelligent free-will creatures will find themselves in such a position.

“The asking is proof that someone is coming to the realization that living in ignorance is not a necessity but a choice. There is an intricate educational system in place all over the universes. Many lessons are practical and hands-on. Life is the Teacher. But there are also many Glorified Teachers that are available as personal tutors to expand on the Life Lessons and help you extract their purest essence.

“What is crucial is that more and more beings become receptive to higher input so that their lives can be turned around and lived optimally. Stop for a moment to look back at your life experiences. Whatever stands out in your mind will reveal to you the gifts and blessings contained in the life crisis—in the lesson. Learning occurs when you are challenged, not when you are lazy and complacent. Ask many questions so that your mind becomes less preoccupied with mundane affairs and more in more in touch with its spiritual and infinite nature. Yes, you are a water drop in the ocean but the whole ocean is also who you are. Spirit blends in with Spirit. Spirit is One.”

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