Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, gratitude automatically streams from a love filled heart. Love is a powerful activator at many levels. Unconditional love is a catalyst for heart openings. On this planet, so few hearts have ever experienced the fullness of true love. They are shriveled and thirsty and, whenever they encounter the highest expression of love, they sponge it up and crave for more as the addiction to love is real; it is part of the Divine programming.
“Love is a magnetic force and hearts are magnetic poles. Whenever Love gets experienced at a deep level, gratitude becomes its highest positive side effect. A loving heart is a grateful heart as the experience of true love triggers a deep joy, which is generative of gratitude. The positive emotions are just as connected to one another as the negative emotions are.
“By training your own awareness, you can invite into your being higher emotions and their sidekicks. By experiencing these raised vibrations within your being, you in turn become a catalyst for higher emotions in others. The potential to experience these emotions lay dormant in each being. The quest of each individual should be to identify how to activate these powerful emotions which have a positive transformative power.
“As you go through your day, consciously practice sending out to others the loving vibrations that you feel toward them and witness the magic unfold. A smile will make other smiles appear and each smile brightens someone’s day and it becomes a positive driving force in that individual’s experience. You have the ability to push each other’s buttons. Do discern how to do so in a positive way so that only positive ripples are generated from your attitude.”