Teacher: Dear child, it does not matter whether or not you can identify who I am. What matters is that you can take dictation of the message that I have for you. Messengers are the ones who deliver the message and their identity is not of utmost importance. What is important is the spirit of loving service exhibited by the messengers, the Teachers.
“Haven’t you ever gotten an anonymous gift dropped at your door steps? The content of the gift touched your heart and your mind wondered who the giver of that considerate gift was. Yet, whether or not the Giver was ever revealed to you, what made an impact on you is the message of love and care contained in the gift.
“The Father of All is a very anonymous Giver. He gives unconditionally, never expecting anything in return. This is the essence of True Love – to keep bestowing itself whether or not it is being reciprocated. The Father is not putting Himself in the limelight; He is not addressing His children from a pedestal. Rather, as your Master Jesus demonstrated while living on this earth, He assumed the humble position of a Servant, with a capital “S”. He shone by His service – not by his desire to be served. Not only did He serve the Father’s Will at all times, but as a natural consequence of the Father’s Will, He served His human siblings.
“Due to the high state of enlightenment He achieved through His mortal experience, He also served as a Teacher – not as a Preacher. His words were not hollow and devoid of creative energy. His words were empowered by the Truth they never failed to express. His words were infused with creative power. His intentions were always to lift others up and His words were in total alignment with these deep intentions.
“As a human child of the same Heavenly Father, what matters is that you apply yourself to be of service as well – of unconditional service. Such a level of service has the greatest impact as it goes straight to the heart of the individual(s) you serve. Each one of them has been equipped with their own truth detector which is located in their heart. A truly loving and selfless attitude unfailingly triggers that Truth Detector and magically unlocks the heart of the receiver of your attention.
“Hearts are starved for love. They are like dried up sponges which will thirstily soak in all the moisture made available to them until they get to the point of saturation and are then able to bless others with that life giving moisture. There is no such thing as too much love as everything that the Father ever created is drenched in the love substance. It is what the Father wants to share with His children – the highest quality of love there is.
“Yours is to increase your ability to contain such a magnificent love. Yours is to clean your inner sanctuary so that it can be a pure container for this Divine Love which cannot cohabitate in a heart defiled by lower emotions. Love has a transformative power and will assist you in your house cleaning. Love is coupled with Light. Whenever you ask, this light will “enlighten” you and reveal to you the still dark and stagnant areas of your being – the spider webs so to speak. You will be then a step closer to remove this infestation from your inner sanctum.
“Glory to God almighty who never settles for less than the best.”