Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the Heavenly Father is an incorrigible Optimist and Idealist. He is not capable of anything else. His far reaching vision includes each one of His creatures. You are one of them. As you learn to project optimism and your highest ideals in the expression of your life, you truly learn to ride on the Father’s coat tail.
“The trick in your human situation is to clarify the way you perceive people or situations. Every human being is struggling with similar challenges. Sometimes, it appears from their perspective that they are wallowing in mud and drowning in the quick sands of life. Yet, there is always a better point of view, a higher perspective.
“By experience, you draw wisdom from your life events and you come to understand retrospectively how they contributed to build a stronger character for you, and others. Everything is constantly in a state of change. In the background, unrecognized by many, is the magnetic attraction of the Father’s Presence in Paradise, drawing His children back to His bosom as they perfect their imperfect selves.
«The Father smiles upon His stumbling little ones as He also is touched by their courage and perseverance. He wishes that each Paradise bound child becomes an inspiration and a way shower for his siblings who are not aware yet of the Divine Master Plan and who are walking blindly through their own life, hitting walls and corners, and self-inflicting many bruises or inflicting them to others.
“Keep searching for the Father’s Vision in your life. Keep asking for enlightenment so that light can be shun on situations like a powerful celestial projector, dispelling darkness and revealing to your eyes the minuscule and yet carefully orchestrated details which build the tapestry of human life.
“Wonderment and amazement will eventually come to replace anguish and anxiety as you will come to trust in the invisible and yet ever present Hand which holds everything together, guiding each one of His creatures to collaborate in perfection of purpose and intention. What a magnificent Master Work is thus being co-created! How much joy will sing in each heart when they finally reach the point of no-return in their journey toward perfection!”