“War on Urantia will never end so long as nations cling to the illusive notions of unlimited national sovereignty. There are only two levels of relative sovereignty on an inhabited world: the spiritual free will of the individual mortal and the collective sovereignty of mankind as a whole. […] Religious teachers must always remember that the spiritual sovereignty of God overrides all intervening and intermediate spiritual loyalties.” [UB 134:5:2]
“War on Urantia [Earth] will never end so long as nations cling to the illusive notions of unlimited national sovereignty. There are only two levels of relative sovereignty on an inhabited world: the spiritual free will of the individual mortal and the collective sovereignty of mankind as a whole. […] Religious teachers must always remember that the spiritual sovereignty of God overrides all intervening and intermediate spiritual loyalties.” [UB 134:5:2]
Thought Adjuster: “The above expose depicts Globalization as being a representative government for all mankind—the sovereignty of the human brotherhood. It differs significantly from the Globalist Agenda—a term that surfaces more and more frequently and started as a secret plan promoted by influential individuals disposing of ungodly financial resources. These predatory internationalists hide under the sheepskin of humanitarians. They misuse their comprehensive resources to enslave everyone on the planet to their one-world government coined as the New World Order. They surreptitiously and illegitimately work at stripping the ‘common folks’ of their God-given free-will prerogative—declared as inalienable by the Giver Himself.
Sounds familiar? Indeed, they suffer from the same ‘Me-first’ delusional personality disorder that afflicted Lucifer.
Lucifer, whose name means Bearer of Light, had been divinely appointed to be just that—to shine the light of knowledge into evolutionary worlds to help them move from their initial dark age of ignorance to the promised era of Love and Light.
After ages of loyal service, due to his failure to introspect and master his prideful propensities, Lucifer could no longer resist the lure of self-aggrandizement. He went rogue, turning into a dangerous double-agent.
Depicting himself as their liberator, he exploited the gullibility of those under his mentorship and misused his awe-inspiring diplomatic credentials to deceive them.
Never forget that Lucifer had been thoroughly briefed about the Divine Plan when he took the sacred oath to inform humanity about its divine calling. He weaponized this informational trust fund. Instead of incrementally divulging the ‘family secrets’ on a need-to-know basis, he greedily kept them to himself, withdrawing data critical to making best-informed decisions.
In the course of history, Lucifer repeatedly plagiarized the divine plan—always keeping one step ahead and drawing unfair advantage from his aggressive misuse of the Laws of Manifestation.
Right now, your planet is the battlefield of the grueling warfare waged between the ruthless mercenaries of the forces of darkness and the forces of resistance formed by those who volunteer heart and soul in support of the benevolent Light Forces.
Do not get fooled by the treacherous manifesto currently promoted as globalism by a self-appointed Elite. God NEVER plays favorites. The spiritual elitism promoted by Jesus is nothing but humble, compassionate, and altruistic—in stark contrast with the prideful, self-serving, heartless, and greedy demeanors of those whose inflated egos prevent the light of Spirit from reviving their dying souls.”