The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to you that your spiritual muscles are in need of flexing in order to be strengthened. It could be compared with ‘doing the plank.’ What do I mean by that? By doing the plank daily, you are challenging yourself to strengthen the core muscles of your physical body. The trick is to hold the plank longer each day. You may do so in 30 seconds increments but ultimately such a daily practice will pay off and you will be able to hold that posture for many minutes, while you hardly could hold it for 30 seconds when you first started.

“The same goes with your ‘spiritual plank.’ Sitting in complete Stillness does not come easy at first as your whole system has to wean itself from the accumulation of much destabilizing nervous energy. Many of you state that they are too restless to do it. Paradoxically, it is the very reason why you should do it. The Stillness Practice is the fix for restlessness. Yet, as a Stillness Rookie you cannot expect to sit in the Stillness for hours at a time. This would be totally unrealistic just as it would be unrealistic to hold a plank for a record time at your first attempt. This would be experienced as a form of self-inflicted torture and could result in much muscle soreness.

“What matters is that you state your intention to establish this inner connection with Spirit and that you show up on time for your daily appointment. Surrender yourself mind, body and soul to be fully present in the Stillness. Whenever distracting thoughts show up on your mental screen, wipe it clean as you would wipe away the fogginess from a window pane. Eventually, these mental bugs will stop showing up and will be replaced with ‘fireflies’—with the enlightening input of Spirit. This is the type of light you need to focus on. The more you become proficient at this practice, the easier it will get and you will no longer need prompts as reminders.

“You will start craving this inner Haven of Peace and you will turn within whenever your life becomes dangerously turbulent. What a priceless resource it is! All it takes is the realization of its multiple and incommensurable benefits. Look at those among you who are consistent in their Stillness practice; turn toward them for practical advice. Ask for their testimonies. This is how you can develop an inner urge to get to taste what they are tasting and is so deliciously addictive to them that they keep showing up for refills.”

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