The Inner Sherpa



Mother Urantia: Dear daughter of mine, this is I, Mother Urantia. Indeed, I would dearly love to speak to you. I am well aware of your heartfelt desires to establish this connection. Yet, it is already in existence, as you already have intentionally connected with Me on multiple occasions.

As you get personally engaged in the labor of love of moving the souls of My trapped children to higher realms, I sigh with relief. Indeed, these children of time—bound to My planetary time frame and space—have no longer a life’s purpose to fulfill in My womb. Yet, they resist moving on, as they have lost touch with their true nature.

I was their womb, I carried them for the duration of their physical lives. It is time for them to leave what they perceive as the comfort of the family nest—even though they enduregreat discomfort—being only the shadows of themselves and literally lingering in uninviting shadows. It is time for them to turn to the light. It may blind them at first, as they have weaned themselves from all light for so long. Yet, it will trigger in them the much-needed recall of their true identity—that they are beings of light, that they are of the Light.

It may initially require some act of bravery on their part—a first positive initiative in a very long time. By doing so, their inner spark will be reactivated and they will feel the urge to move toward the guiding light that will aspire them into higher realms and put them back on the track of their ‘active duty’. At least, they will arrive at the decisive moment when they will be asked to choose between living on and rekindle their Spark of Life or entirely desisting from life—in which case it will be blown out.

I have been waiting for this planetary process of the liberation of the stuck souls for a long time—since the last epochal resurrection. Indeed, these souls are draining Me from some of My motherly energies,as they still live within my womb—refusing to be birthedeven though they are way past their due dates. As you well know, it is hazardous for an embryo to overstay in the mother’s womb, which is not equipped to meet its developmental needs past this initial stageof development.

By helping such souls to move on, you and all those involved in that process are acting as mymidwifery. You are easing my extended labor and relieving me of these difficult birth pangs. This brings me great joy to see my children finally take their leap of faith and leave my nest so that I can fully turn myfocus to the next generations."

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