The Inner Sherpa



“New meanings only emerge amid conflict; and conflict persists only in the face of refusal to espouse the higher values connoted in superior meanings.” [UB 1097:05]

Thought Adjuster: “You cannot build a fortress on shaky foundations. Even more so, a building devoid of a foundation will not withstand the unleashed forces of nature. If you look at the human character from this perspective, you will identify pros and cons. What I mean by that is that you are a blend of two types of ‘construction materials’—your heredity. The pros are the positive attributes and qualities that you inherited from the First Cause—your assets. The cons are the flaws and tainted building materials that have sneaked their way into your being through repetitive misguided actions—both personal and generational—and that threaten to destabilize you.

“Actions are powerful, as they can rewrite your inner script. They are what becomes stored on the Compact Disc of your life, so to speak. Each action imprints its own groove in your character. If it is not deeply engraved through repetition, a misguided action can be just like a small scratch at the surface of your CD and, by polishing it out, the CD will still be functional.

“On the other side, ‘bad’ habits, will adversely alter the integrity of the CD and it may end up stuck in an annoying loop, preventing you from enjoying its original and divinely inspired philharmonics.

“Conflicts are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad.’ They become good or bad depending on how you handle them. Conflicts reveal deep-seated states of inner resistance. The questions to be asked are “What am I resisting?” and “Which difficult and yet very necessary lesson are they teaching me?”

“Just as an earthquake will demolish buildings standing on shaky foundations, conflicts may rock your inner world, destabilizing you for a while, thus revealing the weak spots of your being—your Achille’s heel. Such personal revelations will also lead you to proactively initiate the ‘remodeling’ of your being, helping you discard the unhealthy hereditary factors. You will replace the old with the new—revamping your inner world with brighter and fadeproof colors. Conflicts will crack your heart open if you give them permission to remove what is not of the light. They will place you at ground zero and help you rebuild from there—on strong and unshakable foundations. Indeed, conflicts can be the death warrants of character flaws and the midwifery of new superior meanings, infused with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Conflicts will bulldoze your inner ghetto so that you can replace it with the stunning Mansion of Spirit—with your permission and collaboration. Indeed, you are a part of the conflict resolution team.”

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