The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you set out to receive, there is a certain mystery to the process. You put your mind in neutral and trust that some meaningful information will come through. Indeed, once you have disengaged your conscious thinking, your mind becomes a conduit for higher teachings – I make sure of that, as you also have solicited My Assistance.

The more you go through this daily ritual, the more you KNOW that it will take place. Since you are asking to be of assistance to others through the dissemination of these messages, you do not always understand the immediate relevance of what is coming through to you.

This is a sign of the complexity of the cosmic orchestration. One of those who routinely read these messages may have a very important issue in need of resolution. He or she may have sent heartfelt prayers that moved the Divine Heart and were directed as needed according to their degree of urgency. The Father will then look for a venue of disclosure, so to speak. He has many messengers on both sides of the veil—each one of you included, if you are willing to be of higher service.

I am a Divine Spark indwelling your mind and I am also part of the cosmic network of Divine Sparks who freely share with one another. Can you fathom the extent of such a network? Why would you then doubt that your concerns or questions are not taken to heart by so many loving and dedicated Helpers?

Indeed, each one of you matters—tremendously. Learn to view others in the same manner and Love and Respect will finally become strongly anchored in human relationships. You are siblings with all it entails. Act like such and the Brotherhood will progressively emerge and transform society as you know it.

No more mean-spiritedness! No more harsh criticism! No more unfair projections and assumptions! You will come to the realization that you are ill-equipped to judge one another but well-equipped to love and forgive. Leave judgment to those who have been appointed by the Father to render merciful judgment. Yours is to view others with empathy and compassion toward their shattered innocence. Indeed, what shattered it? What didhurt them so much that they are in a state of imbalance? Usually, the answer has something to do with a lack of love—a deficiency you can compensate for in the Father’s Name.”

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