The Inner Sherpa



Teacher Uteah: “Let us talk about friendships. Each one of them constitutes a landmark of your life’s journey and clearly stands out in your memory bank. Why is it so?

.“Man has not been created to be alone, as man is not self-sufficient. I am not merely speaking of physical sustenance. I am talking about emotional welfare supported by the nutrients of genuine love and affection.

“Imagine for a moment living a love-deprived life. You would feel insignificant and expandable—unappreciated. Such an emotional deprivation would lead you to question the purpose and value of your existence, especially if you heardthat your conception was a regrettable ‘accident.’ It would severely impact your sense of self-worth and you may develop antisocial behaviors—shying away from such a hostile environment.

“On the other hand, even when your life’s circumstances seem to gang up against you, turning to a trusted friend helps take the sting out of such challenges. When you have reached your wits’ ends, a true friend becomes a welcome sounding board and comforter. How many times has a friend helped you through a difficult crisis? Aren’t your most valued friends those who stuck by your side in your worst times, thus demonstrating their professed loyalty?

“Dear ones, nurture your friendships. They are the shining pebbles scattered along your life’s path for you to pick up and add to your gem collection.”

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