The Inner Sherpa



“This is the brotherhood of love wherein righteousness reigns, and whose battle cry shall be: Peace on earth and good will to all men. [UB 140:1.3]

Thought Adjuster: “As you long to experience the Love from the Divine and open your whole being to be receptive, the thought came to your mind that the only obstacle to Love is the self-erected stronghold of a closed heart.

“Love is like an infinite ocean that bathes everything it comes in contact with. An ocean is a body of water formed by a mind staggering amount of individual droplets blending together. As well, the cosmic ocean of Love consists of the collection of all the individual droplets of love, expressed from the hearts of the creatures of the vast universes, under the umbrella of the Father’s parental Love. Love is the connective tissue that pools together all those marvelous heart elixirs.

“Do not view your love as stand alone. Rather, visualize it as adding to the universal mix. All it takes from your part is to open your heart to Love and let it flow indiscriminately. Love never discriminates. It is the beauty of it.

“If you chose to become a conduit for Love, you cannot hold back based on mental assumptions and judgments. Love does not judge as it is all forgiving. Love is compassionate. It is intelligent and understanding. It is a healing balm that makes it all better, like the tender kiss of a mother on the bruised knee of her child.

“Become such Agents of Love. Do not hold your love back. Rather, consciously bless others and everything with it, just as you are blessed by it. Love is radiant and those who are love infused are becoming radiant beacons of light. They are glowing. Let it become your secret ‘heart shake’ so that you can join in the cosmic Alliance of Love, the brotherhood of open hearts.

“This is what Jesus meant with the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. Love is the Father’s DNA that is embedded in all His creatures. Nurture it, expand it, and share it. It will become your first nature. An open heart cannot but let Loveflow through it and be quickened by itsinexhaustiblePower, birthedbythe infinite Heart of the Father and encoded in His Life Giving Force. The Father never bestows Life without Blessing it with Love. Let it sink in your heart and mind and apply it to your actions so that you too become Love in Action.”

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