The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “There are two types of approaches in dealing with your siblings. You can either place their persona under an unforgiving microscope that blows their handicaps out of proportion or use your ‘telescopic vision’ to detect their beautiful ‘camouflaged’ qualities. Those who belong to the first group of ‘researchers’ may be led to lose faith in humanity and develop dangerous paranoia, as over focusing on the shadows will blind them to the light. On the other hand, the ‘astronomers’ will benefit manifold. Their faith in ‘humanity’ will soar and they will be inspired to shoot for their inner stars.

“Jesus was a trailblazer in the second category— a keen observer of the promising human attributes—the scintillating starry canopy displayed against the nightly skies. Ponder the fact that He came to reveal the Father to you. It is indeed how the Father views you—the real you. Only Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are real to Him. How could it be otherwise? Lies and deceit are unreal by their counterfeited nature.

“Search for what is real and eternal in your siblings. Acknowledge their shortcomings with empathy and compassion, as they are inherited handicaps. Do you want to be remembered by your flaws or by your qualities? Treat others as you want to be treated! You have not been divinely ordained to be their harsh judges and jury but their compassionate siblings. Such a change in behavior will be a significant relational booster. By expecting the best, you will see it while by betting all your chips on the worst, you will be the principal loser and develop bitterness and hard-heartedness.

“Dear ones, go through your days searching for the hidden gems in others. Engage them in positive conversations so that they can safely reveal their inner world to you, leading you to understand what made them who they currently are. Like you, they bravely fight many emotional battles and need to be cheered on—not discouraged. Indeed, the Father is in need of many ‘cheer-leaders’ to spread the good news and its associated positive emotions.”

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