The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Whenever you are experiencing a painful emotional crisis, do not hold back the tears welling up in your eyes. Their spring is located deep in your heart.

“There are two ways to relieve your physical body from debilitating indigestion: either to ingest the appropriate digestive enzymes to help break down the offensive matters stuck in your stomach or to purge your system from the harmful poisons by regurgitating them.

“As your emotional system mirrors your physical one, this can be used as a metaphor for you to better understand how to deal with undigested and painful emotions. Can they be healed by ‘emotional digestive enzymes’? In which case, what do they consist of?

“The enzyme of understanding is the one that comes to mind. Whenever you are unsettled, you feel a need to understand the cause—the source—of that emotional distress. At times, it is not an easy thing to do, as you are subjected to outside interferences and are not always aware of how they emotionally affect you. It requires that you initiate a serious ‘research project’ just as a scientist places cells under a microscope in order to understand what they are made of and how they impact the greater organism.

“You have to be patient in this process, as it may take a few days to clearly make sense of the emotional distress that is plaguing you. Ask and research until you reach the liberating point of understanding. It will be perceived as a stroke of insight and, yet, such an insight will be so obvious that you will wonder why you have not thought of it earlier, thus saving you much hardship. Indeed, the obvious is always staring at you, but your eyesight has to be shifted toward it.

“The Father, in His Great Wisdom, knows that this is a slow process if you do not benefit from the guidance of more enlightened fellows. This is the reason why He also equipped you with ‘safety valves’ that can be opened in emergency situations, as the harboring of difficult emotions can cause havoc on your whole being.

“Your tear ducts are one of these safety devices. Do not repress your tears. Rather, welcome them, as they are mighty stress relievers. Once opened, the floodgates of your eyes prevent you from drowning in difficult emotions. They assist you in flushing them out. You all have experienced the feeling of amazing peace that invades your being after allowing such a liberating flash flood. Indeed, you are mightily cleansed in the process.

“Do what it takes. By becoming aware of the many resources made available to you, you will become more and more skilled at maintaining your inner peace. Take many time-outs, as they too are very helpful in regaining your emotional footing, away from what triggered your restlessness. Doesn’t it make sense?”

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