The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Spiritual Body Building. Indeed, being a spiritual being, you have been gifted with a complex spiritual organism of which you are only very faintly aware. Nevertheless, just as your physical body has to be exercised in order to stay healthy and develop strong muscles, your spiritual organism has to be challenged as well.

“Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.” [UB 556:07]

“A body builder would never surpass his current level of achievement if he refused to take on bigger challenges by adding more weight to his barbell. At first, he may collapse under the extra weight, but by sheer willpower and persistence, he will eventually come to master the next level of his conditioning. This will be a source of great personal satisfaction.

“Your spiritual organism, even though it may be remain mysterious to you, is nevertheless very real and subjected to similar laws of cause and effect—the guarantee that a corresponding result can be achieved by applying yourself to create an adequate cause for that result.

“Will you resist and resent challenges and difficulties? Or will you identify them with gratitude for what they are? Indeed, they are the doorways to your expanded growth. Just as fear and complacency hold you hostage in mediocrity, faith in the amazing potentials of your life will drive you to take courageous actions in order to live up to the expectations embedded in its customized challenges.

“Dear children, do not be spiritual couch potatoes! Do not live your life by proxy! What I mean by that is that, even though the achievements of others may entertain you, they are not your own and will not transform you. Each one has his or her own life’s course. Whenever you feel challenged, ask yourself why it is so? Why do feel overwhelmed? The very element you think you are lacking to master that specific situation is actually embedded in that situation for you to extract it. By facing your fears, you find courage. This is how you learn to flex your spiritual muscles. This is how you emerge as a winner, no matter the circumstances. This is how you gain self-mastery—a mastery only you can earn. This is also how you start truly living your life, nurturing your potentials and hopefully harvesting many of them before the season of transition to higher realms dawns upon you. You will then discard your physical envelope, but you will emerge on the other side as the strong and muscular soul you help shape during your earthly training—a winner, not a wimp.”

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