The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: Do not view yourself as separate from anyone and anything. Indeed, the best visualization you could practice is the one of Oneness.

Oneness is the one and only reality. Ponder this for an instant. There is only one creation and it encompasses EVERYONE and EVERYTHING conceived in the Father’s Mind. Doesn’t it make sense?

The sense of separation is cancer that eats at the wholeness of creation. What needs to be eradicated in order to restore Wholeness and Oneness is the divisiveness and separation you witness on multiple levels—starting within yourself.

You are a home divided. Your allegiances are muddied in many ways. You are struggling within yourself but this very struggle shows that you are aware that there ultimately must be a winner and a loser. The winner is predestined to be Oneness and the loser will be the rebellious and dissenting part of you whose inflated sense of ego hides its very insecurity. Indeed, how could such a self-centered ego be confident while signing its own death warrant? Nothing and no one can survive separation.

Rather than overly fidgeting about the many dysfunctional behaviors you witness all over the planet, start small but efficiently. Bring your own house in order and you will be amazed to see that the world itself will seem to shape up. Indeed, your mind—being a co-creator—can initiate these minute alterations of course that will have a positive ripple effect. Isn’t a ripple effect the best evidence of Oneness? Be the brave little pebble throwing itself into the pond and sending positive outward vibes, thus creating beautiful circular patterns on the surface!

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