The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You were reading about the Lucifer Rebellion as recounted in The Urantia Book. Lucifer planted many seeds of confusion in the minds of those under his spiritual influence: Angels, midway creatures and human beings. He asserted that the existence of the Universal Father was a misleading myth. He concocted a conspiracy theory of great magnitude by claiming that a make-believe, invisible and inexistent God was being used as an element of manipulation by the Creator Son in order to maintain His power base. He also turned into derision the complex educational process that ascending creatures were called to undergo in their quest for God-like perfection.

“It is a sin against God and humanity to twist and bend the truth—any truth—in order to gain personal advantage. The misleading of trusting souls is truly a criminal act as they will have to face the lasting consequences of such a change of course. Some of these souls became willing accomplices in the Lucifer Rebellion as they were bribed to disassociate themselves from the Divine Plan with the promise of shortsighted personal gains. Others were ignorant pawns in that conflict.

“Divine Truth encompasses the highest good of all creation—at all times. The lies of Lucifer and his cohorts were meant to mislead individual free wills into embracing the cause of the rebellion at the expense of their eternal life and God-given liberties. Lies disguised as truth are dipped in inequity and their outcomes leave a very bitter taste in the lives affected by them.

“Jesus ‘physical death on the cross and His glorious resurrection were the forerunners of the Spirit of Truth that He unleashed so that It could inhabit human souls and liberate them from the hold of Lucifer’s misrepresentations. Jesus’ victory was much more powerful than you can ever fathom as you are not privy to all the information related to the outworking of the Lucifer Rebellion.

“Jesus ‘undying love for His Heavenly Father led Him to sacrifice Himself so that the reality of the Heavenly Father would be non-equivocally asserted. He also demonstrated that there is eternal life. His victory was a victory of Love and Selflessness over hate and selfishness—of life over death.

“Lucifer had infiltrated and undermined Jesus’ domain of influence with far-reaching lies. Jesus was able to send His Spirit of Truth in all glory in order to reclaim what belonged rightfully to the Creator of All That Is. The Spirit of Truth vindicates the Father and dispels the defaming lies that have been spread to deny His Existence.

“Once the truth is thus being revealed, the lies are exposed for the hollow misrepresentations that they are and lose their power of attraction and of destruction. Nothing lasting can be built on rotten foundations. Truthonly is in alignment with the constructive principles of the universes.

“Truth itself is powerless if it is not put into action. Knowing the truth is not enough to set the record straight. It has to be practiced. It has to be integrated into each life so that it can truly empower each soul to unfold in their God-given matrix of perfection supported by Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.”

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