The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Truth with a “T” comes both in small and big packages. Pure Truth does not need great dissertations. It goes straight to the intelligence of your heart that instantly validates it as Truth.

“You live in a world fraught with untruth—the lasting legacy of the web of lies installed by the Lucifer Rebellion and its adepts. To this day, many are those who manufacture complex lies meant to fool others—including themselves—in a foolish attempt to justify their despicable behaviors or agendas, thus acting as the devil’s advocates.

“Jesus was a man of Truth. He was also a man of few words, as the Truth He expressed was delivered in small packages—frequently in parables. Such a bare bone truth provided the much needed skeleton upon which more truth could be ‘fleshed out’ so to speak. This is how the process of spiritual rebirth was initiated.

“You are all in dire need of Truth revelators in order to find your way through the confusing misinformation you are subjected to. Yet, in His Wisdom, the Father gifted each one of you with His Indwelling Spirit, as well as the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, His glorified Truth Detectors, here to guide you in Love and Truth.

“Truth is simple, cohesive and relevant; it speaks for itself, without needing elaborate defense strategies; it does not intimidate, nor does it bully; it stands on its own merit and goes straight to the point. It sets the record straight, thus liberating you from the enslavement of lies. True revelations can be identified by their high concentration of truth. Each word, each sentence is weighty and prevents ill-intended detractors from taking them apart and changing their meaning as it is frequently done by taking statements out of their intended context—thus ‘twisting’ the truth and contaminating it. Truth matters and is transformative to those who embrace it ‘whole-heartedly.’ Indeed, Truth speaks to the heart and acts as a wonderful primer to jumpstart it.

How powerful is a heart that is guided by Love and Truth!”

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