The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are contemplating this morning the phenomena of Reflectivity. What is Reflectivity? Reflectivity is another aspect of the cosmic liaison beyond the time and space distances. The Father is omnipresent and this omnipresence is also made available to many of his creatures. Reflectivity is a technique to make it available. It is a magnificent system of inter-universal communication and it is like the celestial switchboard or Skype which make interplanetary news available instantly to many.

“The Father has many overseers in place at many levels as the cosmic organism is a huge and very intricate organism where each part is supporting the well functioning of the whole. As the Planet Earth is being reconnected to many circuits at the beginning of this New Era, many more spiritual influences are made available. The Divine Allies are devising their own master minded plan of intervention in support of the mortals of the planet who are intent as well on promoting the spiritual awakening of all their siblings and bringing them back to the fold of the divine cosmic family.

“There are planetary headquarters for such high beings as Machiventa Melchizedek and Monjoronson. They have established planetary outposts in order to connect the descending celestial forces with the boots on the ground. The Celestials have their informants hailing from higher realms and who disseminate precious strategic information in order to facilitate the process of reclaiming the planet and bringing it back in the fold of its rightful lord: Christ Michael.”

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