The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The Father never does anything half-heartedly but infuses all His undertakings with full-strength truth, beauty, and goodness, unable to put a dimmer on His Radiant Essence. Light and Love are His first nature, and His clarion call incites you to develop your heart potentials so that you can be ‘on the same page’ in the way you lead your life.

Why do you think Jesus so clearly enunciated the Golden Rule? It is because it promotes empathy, love, and compassion. It puts you on the fast track to Godlikeness in the constructive and respectful manner you interact with yourself and others.

You will have undoubtedly noticed that whenever you act out of a mere sense of duty, not investing yourself body, heart, and soul, your handiwork is weak in its reflectivity of divine attributes. The Father does not do anything half-way either. He completes to perfection whatever He undertakes, drawing great personal satisfaction from both the process and its outcome. His Great Works fully meet His standards of excellence—Truthfulness, Beauty, and Goodness.

Those are the values worth pursuing. By doing so, you will be in the divine flow, and you, too, will do remarkable works. The same applies to human interactions. When stripped from the vital elements of love and respect, they are detrimental and inflammatory.

The Father approaches you from your ‘good side,’ wherein He strategically located your travel kit toward self-realization. Cater to your good side while starving the spiritual parasites that do their best to get under your skin. Shake them off! By successfully fending off the assaults of negativity, you will augment your spiritual luminescence—another shooting star leaving a brilliant trail against the heavenly canopy.”

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