The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, today’s topic is about temptation. What is temptation and how do you successfully overcome it? As you live your earthly life, you adhere to many patterns in your decision making process, in your thinking and in your acting. Those are what you call habits or habit forming.

“Some of these patterns are being established in your moments of weakness, when you are caught off guard, which means that these patterns of behavior are not for your highest good, but rather for your lowest worst. To many it seems that they are sneaking upon you and it is true in some way.

“Compare temptations to the virus which can affect your health if you have not built some resistance against them by maintaining a healthy life style. Most of you are well aware when they are ingesting something they ought not to ingest. How often do you tell yourself or hear from others: I should not but I will anyway. This is at the root of creating habitual patterns who are not serving your highest good.

“Your spirit has its own power of attraction but it also is equipped by a power of rejection, so to speak as, due to your free will, you can say Yes or No. How firm is your “no” when you turn down an unhealthy alternative? This is the first place where you need to firmly stand your ground after recognizing that taking the wrong step would lead you to more steps in the wrong direction.

“Just as your physical body has to create antibodies in order to resist disabling viruses, your mental and emotional beings have to develop some immunity as well against thought forms which could lead them, if supported by their energy, to a weakened soul power.

“By cultivating your awareness, you will become more and more able to deflect these spiritual attackers and the day will come when they will no longer impact you as they will no longer be able to plant any harmful seeds within you. A temptation is weakest when it arises. This is the best time to reject it.

“Whenever you start entertaining it and looking for justifications to say “yes” to it, you are already engaging yourself in its quicksands. What would Jesus do? Is a wonderful guideline to help you discern what to do in sticky situations as Jesus would not compromise His integrity at any level. The more you learn to be present in the present moment, the more you will notice any potential destabilizing agents, undercover militants so to speak.

“In war times, there is always a sentinel keeping watch when most of the troops are sleeping so that the enemy has no chance to sneak in. Your Divine Fragment is your Sentinel provided that you are willing to listen to His warnings. What good can He do to you if you have your ear plugs on?”

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