The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the Father thinks “wishfully.” Since the Father granted to His earthly children the free will prerogative, He will never coerce anyone into agreeing with His Will—with His Vision. Yet, it does not deprive Him of His creative intentions—the intentions that He wishes to see manifested in His universes.

“Wishful thinking is what drives the Creator to follow through with His creative intentions in such a way that progress takes place as there is no progress without taking action. An action is what transforms a thought into a reality. You have a saying: “be careful what you wish for.” If your wishful thinking is not in alignment with the Divine wishful thinking, it will not co-create—it will mis-create. Is it the type of claim to fame that you want to assert in your life? What are you wishing for?

“Stop and think for an instant about your fondest wishes? Are they only focused on the material reality or do they take into consideration that you are a potentially eternal being? What is it in your life experience that has survival value? What are your most cherished treasures? Are meaningful and loving relationships parts of your treasure chest? Or are your treasures accumulated in a bank vault that is not generating any spiritual brownie points?

“The Father’s wishful thinking is that His creatures find their true eternal purpose and be not misled by the temptation of immediate gratification—the sole gratification of their physical senses that only revolves around their small self. Your physical body with its physical senses will be out of service some day and those memories will return to dust as well.

“The Father wishes for you to awaken to the magnitude of this reality so that you can live your life with a far-reaching vision and discover in the process the spiritual realities that are already accessible to you while you live in your physical body. Love is not visible—yet its stirrings are very real and heartfelt. Things and experiences that leave a lasting impression are the ones that stimulate your sense of appreciation for truth, beauty, and goodness. Anything that pulls at your heart strings is part of the Father’s Vision for your life as these positive emotions have a pull of their own and draw you to their Source. This is how you will find your way back to your origins—by allowing this pull to bring a course correction in your life whenever it is needed.

“The Father thinks BIG and His wishful thinking exerts a HUGE power of attraction. Stop resisting that call home that echoes through eternity. Discard from your life whatever weighs you down and prevents you from stretching your spiritual wings. Isn't it much more enjoyable and memorable to fly than to crawl?”

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