The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you are eager to connect with Spirit and sit silently waiting for this connection to take place, you feel like one of these little baby birds, hurdled in their natal nest, and keeping their beaks open, knowing well that mother bird will feed them, beak to beak, with growth-sustaining nutrients.

Indeed, as you invoke the presence of the highest spiritual influences available to you, be assured that your hungry soul will be fed likewise—mind to mind, heart to heart, soul to soul.

Spirit caters to your needs in a multitude of creative ways: the answer to a question; the complex orchestration of a life’s synchronicity to help you progress on your earthly discovery journey; a whispered word of encouragement; some mental downloads; a wonderful infusion of the very substance of Love and Peace, and more.

Viewed from this perspective, how blessed you are—all of you! Trust that there is a very precise education curriculum in place for each one of you. Again, your willingness to submit to this curriculum is the needed foundation for its success. Would you rather learn from your mistakes, thus living a life devoid of much joy and fulfillment? Or would you take advantage of your heavenly consultants who will orient you, moment-to-moment, on a need-to-know basis?

You are a multi-layered being and, in order to reach a healthy balance, each one of these layers has to be harmonized with the others. You need to relate appropriately to your physical body. You need to expand your knowledge and your brain capacity; you need to ensure that your heart follows suit, as they are meant to function hand-in-hand. As well, your invisible and yet so real embryonic soul needs to be meted out some potent soul food.

If you only cater to some of these foundational elements of your being, you will be like a wobbly chair missing one or more of its supporting legs and unable to fill its purpose. The lack of spiritual nourishment is at the very root of many depressions and states of imbalance. Such a lack has to be acknowledged and addressed. Which leg(s) is your chair missing? By pondering this and remedying it, your life will be reenergized and empowered and you will live in alignment with your God-given purpose. Take My word for it and put it to the test.”

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