The Inner Sherpa



«Fret not yourself because of the prosperity of the ungodly; fear not those who plot evil; let the soul turn away from sin and put your whole trust in the God of salvation.“ [UB 1443:05]

Thought Adjuster: “The above quote drew your attention as it is very relevant to what you are witnessing in many places of the world right now. As more truth comes to light as to the misguided and/or selfish agendas of the so called ‘elite,’ it is natural to feel very uneasy about such a threatening state of affairs.

“However, throughout the history of mankind, it has always been so that a few took advantage of the multitude and enslaved them one way or another to do their bidding.

“The Father is the God of Salvation. This short sentence has a huge content and brings much hope to those who take the time to ponder what it means. Yes, your world is in dire need of salvation—of course correction. Yet, you are not alone in that process. Whenever and wherever there is separation from the Divine Plan, the Father whose will is steadfast invests Himself to bring back to His fold the estranged elements of His cosmic Kingdom.

“Do not focus on the shadow areas; rather, rejoice in the Light that is shining stronger and stronger through the courageous work of many souls who tirelessly and lovingly invest themselves on both sides of the veil to assist the Father in His Light work.

“The shadows can never survive the Light. Isn’t it comforting to keep this in your awareness? The God of Salvation does not sleep. He is pro-active, resourceful and almighty. Such credentials should leave no doubt in your mind or your heart that the destiny of your world is in the best of hands. Yours is to choose to defect from the shadows and willingly enlist in the Forces of Light. The shadows are filled with confusion as those who move within them are blind and operate on wrong assumptions. What a relief it is to connect to the Guiding Light that dwells within you and steadies you when you feel wobbly on your earthly legs!”

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