Mother Nebadonia/Holy Spirit *: Dear child, you were just reading in The Urantia Book: The Mother Spirit of Salvington knows you fully, for the Holy Spirit on your world “searches all things…” [UBPaper 28, Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses, at the end of section 5]. I could detect a joyful reaction on your part when you read these words. Yes, I am truly a very involved Mother with each one of My children.
“I had a lot to do with the conception of your being as I was the Co-Creator of your world. As a loving expectant mother, I prepared the surroundings of My children. I decorated their nursery and made sure that they would live in surroundings beneficial for their development to maturity – at all the levels where growth takes place.
“Yet, I am not the giver of personality. This is the monopoly of the Universal Father. Whenever new offspring are born in my local worlds, I search them out so as to rejoice in the flavor of their God-given personality, which represents a new area of discovery for me as well. Each child is a revelation of the Father, of another unique aspect of His DNA which had not yet been revealed to the whole creation.
“If only, as human beings, you would learn to look at your siblings that way, you would start feeling an utmost respect for each one of them and an immense gratitude toward the Giver of It All. Whenever you are challenged in a relationship, go in the Stillness and ask the Father to shine His spotlight on the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness He infused in the being you are dealing with. The true colors of everyone are part of the Divine color palette.
“Sometimes, their divine canvass may have been masked by some of life incidents. However a perfect original lays under that coat of less vibrant paint; it can be restored to its original state by scraping off the layer of paint which is hiding the original beauty of the painting and turning it into something more generic and less attractive.
“The labor of love taking place all over the universes is intended to reveal the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness which are the ultimate purpose of all creation. As human beings, you are being trained to develop your discernment skills so as to keep a sure footing whenever life may seem confusing. You have been equipped with your own inbuilt Truth Detector. Truth is unfailingly reflected in Beauty and Goodness – in authenticity. Strive for those values in your life and you will be magnetically guided to find your way to the ultimate Source of All Truth, All Beauty and All Goodness. Your being will start exhibiting these traits more and more and you too will become a beautiful reflection of the Father.”
Note of the Receiver: In its revelatory content, The Urantia Book identifies the Holy Spirit as Mother Nebadonia, the Mother Spirit of our local universe of Nebadon