The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the inner environment of your being matters much as you host to a Divine Fragment of the Father—specially selected to indwell you. Take an instant to ponder that fact: A Divine Fragment lives in your mind and is in the know of every thought that you entertain! How does that make you feel?

“Do you ignore that Royalty or do you honor such a Presence as you should? Many live totally unaware of that spiritual reality even though it was heralded to you in your ‘holy books.’ Isn’t it a life altering fact worth being remembered? Isn’t it worth being integrated in your consciousness and proudly displayed on the mantel of your inner sanctum?

“How to you treat your Divine Presence? Do you give Her the cold shoulder and rudely turn your back on Her, blatantly ignoring Her as you would ignore a trespasser? Or are you so honored by this glorious Presence that you behave like a star struck fan and offer Her permanent residential status in your being rather than having Her beg for asylum?

“The Father is not a refugee. If He was, wouldn’t He have chosento only selectively indwell those whoare consciously welcoming Him? Together with the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, He bestowed Himself unconditionally on His planetary children on the day of Pentecost. This was a glorious victory—the day when Divinity could reclaim much longed for human territory.

“What happened since? Wouldn’t it be appropriate to recognize the rightful pecking order so to speak? Who is the rightful Master of your being? Let this fact sink in and it will drive you to your knees. It will also increase the value you place on your own existence and your life decisions. It will make you aware of your ‘sunflower status’—yes, you are meant to turn toward the Light in order to find your life purpose. A sunflower withers away without sunlight but thrives once it finds this most natural connection.

“Why wander in the darkness when you have been equipped with a powerful Inner Light that can point the higher road to you upon your heartfelt request? How sad it is that this inner res-source lays unacknowledged in so many while they are searching for it in dusty books rather than in the Living Truth of their being?

“No matter how you treat Him,your Divine Fragment won’t leave your side unless you kick Him out by living in iniquity and knowingly choosing the darkness over the light.

“Dear ones, get to know your Inner Friend by initiating an inner dialogue. It may be tentative at first but soon enough there will be a very real ‘chemistry’ between you and it will shift the way you look at your life experience by illuminating it and immensely enhancing it.”

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