The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you just read in The Urantia Book, the Father’s will is always infused with love and focused on the Highest Good of all creation. This means that, if there were to be an ending, it would be a happy one.

“As all creatures move forward toward the fulfillment of their divine matrix of perfection, this is also the happy ending of their first evolutionary stage and the happy beginning of their eternal career.”

“Time is a factor until it is no longer. Time is necessary for growth and patience is required as well, as growth cannot be forced. Yet, spiritual growth can be accelerated upon absorbing good spiritual food. The mind and the spirit can be strengthened and become better equipped to deal with the ups and downs of human planetary life.

“As you come to recognize more and more, even the downs have their ups. They are revealing to you where you stand in a particular moment and are pointing the direction upward helping you realize other areas where progress is needed.

“As you become more and more aware of the moment to moment happenings in your life, you are getting better at deciphering their true meaning and the teachings they are entailing – the blessings wrapped within the dark charcoal of your tribulations, the diamonds waiting to be set free.

“The truth shall set you free, and, as you come to realize, truth come in many shapes and forms, in many packages. The more you are receptive to the truth signals, the more you will become able to move into your own truth, your own alignment with your divine pattern of perfection, your attunement with the Divine Presence within you.

“Eventually, as you are with your loved ones, with your spouse, you will become more and more of one mind, one higher consciousness. This will be the cause of great joy in Heaven.”

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