The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you were pondering the wide spectrum of emotions that constantly fluctuate in the human experience, the insight came to you that Emotions are Energies in Motion. Indeed, this is a good way to look at them.

“You are alive—and forever so if you opt for eternal life. Each moment of the day, you experience one-in-a-life-time situations. You may not perceive them as such if you are living your life in a very routine manner, adhering to a very regular schedule and catering to your habits. Yet, if you expand your field ofvisionto include your surroundings, it is very clear to you that any given moment can and will never be replicated due to the magnitude and intricacy of its non-static components.

“Based on the ever-changing playing field of the game of your life, you respond emotionally to each passing moment. Do you enjoy such emotions? How do you feel about them? Are they comfortable or do they generate unease?

“Just as you have a say in the unfolding of your life due to your free-will prerogative, you have a say in how you conduct your emotional life. Yet, many of you are oblivious to that fact and allow for their being to be invaded, driven, and polluted by low-grade emotions.

“Dear ones, emotional stability is what will allow you to increasingly gain self-mastery. Whenever you ‘feel’ challenged by an unwelcome situation, do realize that you can prevent it from generating an emotional mudslide. Learn to identify the warning signals and to take quick emotional preventive measures, just as, by driving defensively, you quickly regain control of your vehicle when it slides on black ice by gently pumping its brakes and skillfully handling its steering wheel.

“Indeed, due to their powerful momentum, your emotional energies need to be wisely dealt with. Your best emotional Guru is the emotion of Gratitude, as it dissolves instantly any inner resistance you may feel. Rather than engaging yourself in a complaining and blaming mode, find the gift that is always contained within each situation—be it the lesson it is teaching you or the much-needed course correction it is initiating in your life, thus taking you to new and better experiential horizons.

“By consciously steeringyour human skiff in the flow of higher emotions, you will come to tremendously enjoy the ride of your life, as you will be well equipped to avoid its dangerous emotional rapids and whirlpools.”

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