“In the physical universe we may see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we may discern eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience.” [UB 40:05]
Thought Adjuster: “You are pondering the above quote and asking Me to expand on it. You live in a physical world where beauty is visible to those who live with awareness. As is the case for many life’s elements, beauty is very frequently overlooked or taken for granted.
“Yet, for those living with present-centered awareness, the perception of beauty generates feelings of overwhelming appreciation that arise from deep within the individual. The outside manifestation of beauty rings a bell on the inner and is thus experienced a gratitude—a substance flowing from a heart that is deeply moved.
“Indeed such an ‘e-motion’ has all to do with inner ‘move-ment.’ A wonderful and very efficient way to quicken your heart is to consciously focus your attention on what you perceive as beautiful. This will also validate for you that beauty does not function independently from Love or from Truth. They are a very intricate Trinity. They are three access doors to the Father’s Heart.
“You recognize Truth intellectually and yet it ‘leads’ you in the right direction as in it is contained the Owner’s Manual—the Father’s modus operandi. Everything the Father creates is harmonious as its foundation is His eternal Truth—devoid of any hidden conflicting agenda. The Father’s Word is truthful and reliable. The more you grasp of the cosmic Truth, the more you are drawn to your own inner truth—the very purpose of your being.
“At the invisible core of all this is Love. In order to be experienced, such a Love has to find receptivity in the heart of the creatures as it will never be ‘force fed.’ The Father made a conscious decision at the onset of time to have a very personal relationship with His creatures. He invested His Love in the creation and is patiently waiting for His creatures of time to mature in their heart so that they can reciprocate and thus seal the circle of infinity of Love.
“Pray for your heart to be moved in multiple ways so that it truly comes alive. Once Love becomes the real fuel of your life’s decisions, nothing will ever be the same. You will be ‘connected’ in very high places. You will be receiving and disbursing the very Love that streams from Paradise. Dear ones, teach your hearts to beat in sync with the Father’s Heart. This is the cosmic heartbeat that will infuse your heart with the precious Love Substance that can no longer be excluded from lives lived to the fullest. You can only get to know the Father by His Love.”