The Inner Sherpa



Mother Nebadonia: “Dear child, this is I, your Mother Nebadonia. I am contactable and I am available to any of my children who turn to me. I am truly in your space and when you whisper to me, I can hear you loud and clear as my attention focuses toward each one of my children--like a mother hen watching over her offspring so as to ensure that they are well. My heart is a heart of compassion as I am closely connected to each one of my creatures. Why else would I create a family if I could not provide for them? The purpose of the creation of the local universe of Nebadon was a loving purpose and such a creation is always sustained by LOVE.

“All that my children need to do is to dismantle the limiting belief systems which prevent them from being receptive in their hearts. Love is an energy which fills the heart and which hopefully eventually gets to the head like the bubbles of a mighty Champagne. Love is bliss-full, love is peace-full and love is all-connecting. Whenever there is any kind of separation, love is absent. There is a void which needs to be filled--a vacuum. Yet, the mere fact that there is an empty container is hope-full as a container can be filled at any time when it finds its connection to the source.

“Hate does not belong in the heart. It suppresses its intended function. It is stagnant and it putrefies the soul of the hater. Hate generates ugliness – within and around the hater. Nothing of lasting value can ever be built on hate as hate disintegrates everything it touches. It is like leprosy for the one who hates and it also generates self-hate and self-destruction. The more you love others, the more you will be love-filled and the more you will become able to love yourself for the God-given qualities that you are expressing through your being and through your actions.

“May my children all become the champions of Love in Action--the cheerleaders of Love and Light. Love generates beauty and its fruits can be recognized beyond any doubt as they always pull at the heartstrings of the beholders of such a selfless love. Because it is self-less, love is all-encompassing and is contagious as it is sent out to all, thus dissipating the perceived boundaries of the ego. The ego is then a receiver and a transmitter of Love-- a conduit. Love has to flow, it is its nature.”

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