The Inner Sherpa



“If we know God, our real business on earth is so to live as to permit the Father to reveal himself in our lives, and thus will all God-seeking persons see the Father and ask for our help in finding out more about the God who in this manner finds expression in our lives.” [UB, 132:7.2]

Thought Adjuster: “Let Me elaborate on this statement made by Jesus to a sincere “God-seeker.” It is certainly worth exploring in depth, as it is how Jesus—who legitimately proclaimed himself to be THE way—became it.

In his humanity, he set out to find the enigmatic God and get to know him. He succeeded, which bears testimony that you too, in your humanity, can search for your divine Resident, get to know him, and give free rein to his Self-expression through the unique shining facets of your designer personality!

With due diligence and pure intentions, you will come to express the divine family traits the Father put in you—your godlikeness—for all to see. This is the way traced by Jesus. As you progress in your experiential knowledge of the Divine, you too will become an inspirational ‘way-shower,’ enticing others to engage in their personal quest. Yes, it is a personal matter.

In the spirit of humility, Jesus declared: “He who has seen me has seen the Father. [. . .] Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? [. . .] My Father abides in me and works through me.” [UB, 180:3.9]

You could adopt his words as a personal mantra, living with such a heightened consciousness and making his calling yours.”

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