Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, love is the most effective driving force to propel you to perfection. Genuine selfless love cuts the ties of attachment to the self and connects you to the whole, thus expanding your whole Being, upgrading it.
“Many divine beings are created already equipped with the ability to love selflessly and their God-given free will is entirely dedicated to be in alignment with the Divine Will. They are truly factors of positive change on the evolutionary worlds as they infuse them with a higher type of vibration, vibrations which are free flowing and will mingle with the energies of those open to them.
“It is like a good recipe being put together when wonderful spices are being added to the mix so that the dish aroma is greatly enhanced and raises to the Divine Nostrils, so to speak.
“The Father does not demand of anyone to be what they are not. He only wants for you to be the best you can be, as you - the individual and unique you. This is why you cannot be a copycat of your siblings, as you are a true “original” and should cultivate your own unique God given gifts and bring them to full expression. You are your own hue, needed to enhance the patchwork of souls."