Unknown Teachers Group: “Dear child, whenever you think of your beloved family and friends, your heart is filled with love; so it is with us. We are loving humanity, truly and genuinely. We see the ignorance and the mistakes made by the inexperienced children of the earth. We also can detect much more clearly than you can, the beauty hidden, and/or partially expressed by the evolving souls. How sad it is that so many have been so wrongly programmed by the consequences of the Lucifer rebellion so as to have been deprived of the knowledge that they are of divine essence. How can you know that you are divine if you believe the lies which have been told that there is not God?
“Then, there is also the issue of the misrepresentation of the divine which is so blatant in some parts of the planet and triggers so many inhumane and ungodly behaviors. Any behavior devoid of love, mercy and compassion is at the antipode of the Father. Love, mercy and compassion are the door openers, so to say, in your journey toward perfection. Love is the driving force of creation; this is why you can be assured that you do live in a friendly and loving universe. You can see that the planets, galaxies, etc. are spinning harmoniously as a unified organism. You can see much harmony as well in nature. Your natural state is to be harmonious within yourself and in your connections with your environment and others. Harmonization is the process of the Correcting Time - Attunement.
“It is a slow process as things do not change overnight. They have to change at many levels simultaneously and the change cannot be accelerated without risks. The foundation has to be laid first so that the resulting change is of an enduring quality.
“You are changing internally through your daily discipline, daily practice. Nobody becomes a Master overnight. Practice over time is what hones your skills and your confidence. Seize the opportunities that each new day presents to you as there are many, at many levels. Trust in the guidance of Spirit who truly knows you inside out, who knows who you are now and where you are heading, the Master Plan behind “you”. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the user’s manual to your own being so as to function harmoniously within yourself, which will be reflected in harmonious relationships.
“You are a seedling watered by the Father’s love and embraced by your divine Parents. The greatest gift you can offer to Them is to bloom to your perfection, to manifest your God given essence and freely share it with others. This is how goodness multiplies, this is how love expands, love without frontiers.”