The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that a fetus growing in its mother’s womb is enjoying a perfect inner climate. The perfectly tempered warmth of the amniotic fluid keeps it comfortable and relaxed—not a care in its world.

“At birth, the emergence of the baby out of this benevolent and nurturing environment could be at times experienced as a culture shock. Its needs are no longer automatically met and it is totally dependent on its caretakers for its sustenance—at all levels of its being.

“The satisfaction of its physical needs is one essential element to further its healthy development. However, the meeting of its emotional needs is another essential element. While in the womb, it is bathed in the glow of its mother’s love. Most mothers immediately bond with the child growing within them. This is how God conceived it. Love was the motivation behind His divine ‘conception’ of creation and Love should be present at the onset of and throughout any human life.

“A heart, deprived from this ‘heartwarming’ and soothing influence, cannot thrive. Instead, it withdraws emotionally as it does not feel welcome. So many children are raised without the sustenance of genuine parental love. Frequently those children have not been conceived with a loving intention and they instinctively know it. Being loved is what conveys value, worth and beauty to a person.

“Those who have not been blessed with such a validation for their existence are experiencing a feeling of non-belonging. They may become anti-social loners or join some gangs in order to feel that they belong to a community. Yet the extended hibernation of their hearts sadly results in hostile and violent behaviors.

“Dear ones, you are all members of the universal family. Generously share the love you have been privileged to receive. Allow for it to flow to those whose heart growth has been stunted due to a hostile emotional environment. Those hearts are like sponges that will thirstily suck any love particles that they are being exposed to.

“Rather than harshly judging one another, love one another. By the sharing of your love, help prime the many hearts that have not been activated yet. There is an infinite supply of Love to tap into—constantly replenished from Above.”

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