The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the Correcting Time is truly a time for rehabilitation for the planet and those living on it. The divine rehabilitation program is so hugely different from what you call rehabilitation or correction facilities on your planet. The fact is, as you well know, that these so called correctional facilities hardly contribute to the rehabilitation of the incarcerated souls. Isn’t it a fact that pretty much all souls are incarcerated one way or another, some more than others?

“In the Father’s kingdom, love is what leads the rehabilitation of lost souls. Love is the divine ingredient which bestows a feeling of value on the beloved child. In your correctional facilities, love is hardly an element of the rehabilitation; this is why so many souls are actually spiraling down rather than finding their way back to their divine essence.

“The Father and His helpers, in their immense wisdom and knowledge, know of the potential of these incarcerated souls and their rehabilitation work is much focused on the awakening of that dormant potential wherein resides the worth of the soul. When a human being realizes his/her value, then do his/her self-worth and self-respect go up. Those are much needed as rings on the ladder of rehabilitation. The divine correctional facilities are managed with Love, not with threats. They promote love, not fear.

“Always turn your being toward the light of love. This is the Father’s way.”

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